Binaural beats were originally discovered in 1839 by physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. He discovered when signals of two different frequencies are presented separately, one to each ear, our brain detects the phase variation between the frequencies. The difference between these two signals is called a binaural beat. For example, if a frequency of 100 Hz is presented to your left ear, and a frequency of 108 Hz is presented to your right ear – your brain “hears” a third frequency pulsing at 8 Hz, which is the exact difference between the two frequencies.
Binaural beats will work on balancing our brain hemispheres as well as balancing our nervous system and energy system. When the two hemispheres of our brain are synchronized with each other – “unlocked and unused” potential and resources in our subconscious mind (connected to the right hemisphere) becomes awakened in this synchronization. All brain cell dendrites then operate with the maximum information flow possible between both hemispheres. Scientists call this “whole brain synchronization,” and when achieved, your brain experiences extremely beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and chemistry and you can effortlessly achieve powerful states of focused concentration, deep relaxation and more, all while stimulating parts of your brain to work together in synchronization.
Health professionals such as psychologists, medical doctors, and hypnotherapists, are integrating binaural tones and other brainwave entrainment processes into their patients’ treatment.
Training your brainwaves can be a highly effective method for personal and spiritual growth. Different brainwave states will produce different results for you. Binaural beats efficiently entrain and synchronize your brainwaves to enhance any specific brainwave pattern. This allows you to rapidly enter states of relaxation, focus, high-energy, or meditation whenever you want. According to neuroscientists, the effect of decreasing the brain rhythm from beta to alpha via deep relaxation techniques or the use of binaural beats brain entrainment changes the levels of certain beneficial brain chemicals.
Important: To get the full benefit from audio with binaural beats you have to use headphones.

Beta Brainwaves 14Hz – 40Hz
When we are wide awake, alert, active and engaged in mental activity that usually involves the rational, logic, reality-oriented left hemisphere of our brain – Then we are in Beta state. When beta wave activity becomes very intense, our brain hemispheres become less synchronized. We become stressed and anxious. A majority of adults operate at Beta. Beta waves are however important as we also need to function in everyday life.
Beta waves are associated with:
- This is the brainwave for the fight-flight response
- Increased concentration and alertness
- Improved logic, reasoning, and critical thinking
- Feelings of anxiety
- Feelings of stress
- Overthinking
- Insomnia
Alpha Brainwaves 7,5Hz – 14Hz
Alpha state is generated when we are daydreaming, reading a book, meditating, relaxing deeply, listen to music, being engaged in a movie, driving our car on automatic without consciously driving. We also experience Alpha Brainwaves when we are gently busy with routine tasks like pottering in the garden, taking a shower, putting on makeup, doing light housework. Alpha is considered to be the bridge between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The state of hypnosis is an Alpha state. The voice of Alpha is your intuition, which becomes more apparent and more profound the closer you get to 7.5Hz. It is the perfect state to be in when listening to affirmations or/ visualizing, as the subconscious mind is much more receptive to programming. It also heightens your imagination, visualization, memory retention, learning, and concentration. Studies show that alpha states significantly increase beta-endorphin, norepinephrine and dopamine. These naturally occurring chemicals are linked to feelings of expanded mental clarity and generate an internal environment for new learning and accessing previously learned information. This positive effect lasts for hours and even days.
Alpha waves are associated with:
- Reduced anxiety
- Alleviates stress and depression (our system produce more serotonin)
- Reduces chronic pain
- Reduction of high blood pressure
- Increases performance (sports, creative work, studying, etc.)
- Increased energy
- Reduces worries and overthinking
Theta Brainwaves 3,5Hz – 8Hz
Theta brainwave states have been used in meditation for centuries. Research has proven that thirty minutes a day of Theta meditation can dramatically improve a person’s overall health and well-being. It can produce a sense of deep spiritual connection and unity with the universe. In this state, you can experience vivid visualizations, great inspiration, profound creativity and exceptional insight. It is a state where our subconscious is very open for reprogramming of old patterns and habits. It´s a hypnotic and meditative state (these are the same). Right before you doze off to sleep and right after you wake up is the theta state. In Theta our brain hemispheres are synchronized, and we experience whole brain functioning.
Theta waves are associated with:
- Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability
- Deep relaxation
- Improved memory
- Heightened intuition and inspiration
- Calms the chatter of your mind
- Increased psychic abilities and sense of spiritual connection
- Speed healing improved physical healing
- More restful sleep
- Release beneficial hormones related to health and longevity
- Reduce mental fatigue
- Reduction of anxiety and stress
Delta Brainwaves 0,1Hz – 3,5Hz
Delta brainwaves are slow and loud brainwaves (low frequency and deeply penetrating, like a drum beat). They are generated in deepest meditation and dreamless sleep. Delta waves are involved in unconscious bodily functions such as regulating heartbeat, digestion, etc. Adequate production of delta waves helps us feel completely rejuvenated after we wake up from a good night’s sleep. The delta state also releases anti-aging hormones, including melatonin and DHEA. Human growth hormone (HGH) is another anti-aging hormone that is increased when delta brainwaves are occurring inside the brain, due to the stimulation of the pituitary gland.
Delta is the place of deepest relaxation, deepest healing, deepest spiritual connection and deepest connection with the subconscious mind. It is considered to be the gateway to the unconscious mind and the collective unconscious, bringing access to the universal intelligence.
In healthy amounts, delta brainwaves can also cause a person to have an advanced state of empathy, understanding, and compassion for others.
Delta waves are associated with:
- Release of Anti-Aging Hormones
- Decrease cortisol (stress hormone associated with illness)
- One may experience deep bliss in delta meditations
- Healing physical injuries
- Restore and reinvigorate prana (life energy)
- Boosting immune system
- Deeper connection to self
- Sharpens intuition
- Releasing Human growth hormone (H.G.H, responsible for bone, muscle and body growth)
- Deep relaxation of body and mind (as in REM sleep)
- Revitalising the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Aura
- Enhances life quality
- Inner peace & balance